Apr 11, 2020
RLC's Response to C19

with Rescuing Leftover Cuisine during the COVID-19 pandemic

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we are working extra hard in order to continue transporting healthy food to our Human Service Agency partners. It is extremely important that we continue to provide for those in need during this time, and here are the ways that ANYONE (yes, even you!) can support Rescue Leftover Cuisine.


Are ya feelin’ charitable? DONATE TO RLC:

RLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Typically we rely on our Food Donor Partners to fund the cost of our organization through fee-for-service in lieu of relying on outside funding or grants. Due to business closures, without this income, we will be relying on donations to keep operations going during this crisis. To support RLC, please click here.

Are you awesome? VOLUNTEER:

  • Please sign up here to volunteer in Chicago, IL; Amarillo, TX; NYC; Atlanta, GA; Columbus, OH; Seattle, WA; Massachusetts and Rhode Island. 

  • Educate eligible food Donor Partners, Recipient Organizations & Rescue Volunteers in your area. Email the RLC Branch Head in your area to collaborate.

  • Write about us: if you have a blog, have access to local media outlets or know someone who does, let’s collaborate: Robert@RescuingLeftoverCuisine.org

  • Please share this blog post via your Social Media.

  • Note: there are still food rescues happening in NYC and MA. Please check our calendar for updates.

    Eligibility, Sanitization & Safety for Rescuers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Please withdraw yourself from volunteering if you feel the slightest bit unwell. Please do not volunteer for rescues if you are over 60 years of age or are considered "at risk." If driving or using a rideshare, please sanitize areas of the vehicle where the food will be before heading to the Rescue Event. You must not come into physical contact with the food donor or recipient. Please maintain a 6 foot distance when picking up/dropping off the food to keep you and all others safe. We require all volunteers to wear gloves and use a mask or bandana.

Are you a (rockstar) Food Business? DONATE FOOD:

  • Some RLC Branches are providing One-Time Food Rescues free of charge in order to help local restaurants offload their food and get it to people who need food. 

  • Create your food donor account here and then email the RLC Branch Head in your area with “NEW FOOD DONOR” in the subject line. 

    Eligibility, Sanitization & Safety for Food Donor Partners during the COVID-19 pandemic:  We will not accept any buffet food until further notice. We will recover perishable and nonperishable ingredients and prepared food that is safe for consumption. We will only recover food from commercial, ServSafe Certified kitchens. We require all donors to wear gloves and use a mask or bandana. You must not come into physical contact with the volunteer. Please bring the food outside and maintain a 6 foot distance when to keep you and all others safe. 


Are you a Human Service Agency that needs food? LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN:

  • Email the RLC Branch Head in your area to collaborate. 

    Eligibility, Sanitization & Safety for Food Recipient Partners during the COVID-19 pandemic:  You will have proper storage available immediately upon receiving the food donation. You will accept perishable and nonperishable ingredients and prepared food that is safe for consumption. You will accept all recovered food from commercial, ServSafe Certified kitchens. We require all recipients to wear gloves and use a mask or bandana. You must not come into physical contact with the volunteer. Please meet our volunteer outside and maintain a 6 foot distance to keep you and all others safe.


Thank you for your interest in working with us to take part in Preventing wasted food, Providing for those in need and Preserving our environment.

With gratitude,
The RLC Team


For more information on how to get involved in areas RLC is operating, please email our RLC Branch Heads