Sorry we were unable to determine your location. Please select the branch nearest you:
Donate your excess food of any kind and in any amount, sporadically or on a set schedule, and we’ll redistribute it to local nonprofit organizations to help provide meals to people facing food insecurity.
Fill out the form below to receive an email with full details and be connected with the operational branch in your area!
Step 1: Share your location
RLC operates in 9 branches across the United States. Please share your address so we can determine if we can work together.
Unfortunately, we don’t yet have an active branch in your area
If we have misidentified your location, you can select from our other branches.
Step 2: Contact Information
Please tell us a little more about your company, and how we can best contact you. share your address so we can determine if we can work together.
Please tell us a little more about your company, and how we can best contact you. Hopefully we can come to your area in the future!
Last Step: Donation Details
Provide us with some more information about the types of food you have available, and how you’d like to work with us.
How often would you like to donate with us?
One or more times per week
Additional Information